Guess What?

Person 1: Look on the bright side. At least everyone who goes on this blog loses the Game. Hmmm. I wonder why?

Person 11: Hmmm. I do wonder why. Is it because the backround has something to do with...some random blue beams of light?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Percy Jackson is slower than a tree!

If you people didn't go onto Rick Riordan's website, you should. Apparently, 'Percy is still slower than the tree nymphs, and this is while they are in tree form'. I nearly busted out my sides, laughing. Apparently, his "co-operation with the other campers has improved", but.... 'We have to constantly remind Percy that Clarrise's head does NOT belong inside the barbecue pit or campfire.'

-Person 11 (if you MUST know my nickname, it's GG. Person 1, don't you DARE go saying what it means, or I'll...I'll... oh, never mind.)

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