Guess What?

Person 1: Look on the bright side. At least everyone who goes on this blog loses the Game. Hmmm. I wonder why?

Person 11: Hmmm. I do wonder why. Is it because the backround has something to do with...some random blue beams of light?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Random Facts #5

Person 1 will probably shout at me for posting today, but it just looks so sad, having only 2 posts per 7 days (I think) So:

 120 calories are in one Madeleine cookie
Liquor is good for you, very good for you.
Lindor Truffles' most common flavors are: Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, & White Chocolate
XXIV is my absolute favorite number
The Lightning Thief has over 30 awards
Kahlua chocolates include liqueur
Hollyleaf died
The title of our blog is 'You Lost the Game'
AL hasn't posted ANYTHING on CellWARS
We had a party today
DataTraveler112 is currently plugged in the HP computor
I have to go now

-Person 11

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A month before...

Okay. As I said last week, I would post something about the Heroes of Olympus. Well, I completely FORGOT what I was going to post, but fortunately, I found something else.
If you readers ever bothered to read the last pages of The Lost Hero, you would have noticed that the nctence i msecond book of it was coming out on Fall 2011. I don't have a lot of time, so one sentence, this computor is extremely slow. thte son of metune presviews is coming out about a month before the book i know, very boring bye!

Sorry for the sepelling ereesos

-Person 11

Random things

Humpy Jumpy Footy PJ's for women(it's a commercial on the radio)
I just said I'm going to bring my Wii-wee
Spaghetti tastes scrumptiosdoodlydoo
Uh oh spaghettioh
Muberbed(excuse me???)
It came from something  jiggly.
My mother came from Brazil, but unfortunately she never ate a crocodile.
Bear bottom

-Person 1(note: I did not say these things)