Guess What?

Person 1: Look on the bright side. At least everyone who goes on this blog loses the Game. Hmmm. I wonder why?

Person 11: Hmmm. I do wonder why. Is it because the backround has something to do with...some random blue beams of light?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The EMERGENCY POST! will be posted next... Tuesday or Wednesday. Keep your eyes open! This is ONLY FOR THE HEROES OF OLYMPUS LIKERS! THANK YOU!

-Person 11

Random Facts #4

Parallel universes are real!
Bats always turn left when exiting a cave
Before 1660, clocks only had one hand
Stranger: Danger Alert in TVSD {Provided by Person 1}
Ward Melville High School is showing Charlie Brown Christmas on Dec. 22.
Purrel is good for you, and takes away all of your germs. (Provided by Person 1)
While I am writing this, it is currently 3:20 P.M. That's right now, not when I published it!
Charlie Chaplin
oo (OK, this is too obvious)

-Person 11

*Note that every Random Facts has ONE FAKE FACT! TRY TO FIND IT, AND PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!