Guess What?

Person 1: Look on the bright side. At least everyone who goes on this blog loses the Game. Hmmm. I wonder why?

Person 11: Hmmm. I do wonder why. Is it because the backround has something to do with...some random blue beams of light?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

All of you can not wait until Fall 2011 (at least, the ones who read The Lost Hero and like it)

For all of you people that read Rick Riordan's books, he is currently touring Europe, signing books. Look on the link to his blog, Myth and Mystery on the bottom. But that's not the reason why I'm posting this.
Anyway, if you read The Lost Hero right up to the end, well, it says, 'Coming Fall 2011: The Son of Neptune. Well, I know that I can't wait. Now, all of you insignificant people reading this might be starting to get bored. It's blah, blah, this and blah, blah, that.
On a sort of related subject, the Roman Camp Half-Blood is probably situated along Highway 24 in the Caldecott Tunnel. In Calafornia. I recently found out that The Heroes of Olympus series will be a 5-book series, like the Percy Jackson series.

-Person 11

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