Guess What?

Person 1: Look on the bright side. At least everyone who goes on this blog loses the Game. Hmmm. I wonder why?

Person 11: Hmmm. I do wonder why. Is it because the backround has something to do with...some random blue beams of light?

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Just to tell you, anything Person11 posts are math, science, or history/mythology, and some books by Rick Riordan. Anyway, I'm Person1. Oh, for anyone who's wondering, the new (or old) Math Club name is, MOUNT MATH MASTERS. For the 4th time in a row! YAY! Thumbs up for tradition! As you can see, Person11 doesn't agree with me.

-Person 1


  1. Person 11 says: I do NOT only post math! I like books, too!

  2. Person 1 apparently thinks that it's good luck... I think I do have to agree, actually. I can't believe that I just typed that...
