All right fellow random people. I have an announcement to make. Don't worry dear admirers. I'll hand out autographs later. I other words, ZIP IT, BOTTLE UP, and SHHHHHH.Ahhem.
All right gang, you know, I really need some new entrancing words ( Person 11 wanted to say, "The cow says moo")No wait, that's not what I wanted to say.
Okeydokey. You know that weensy little comment box? Well Uncle Sam(a.k.a the Person 1) wants you to use that minuscule little box to tell us what you want us to post on this blog. I doesn't have to have any relationship with the Game( You just lost the game!) It can even be about...mellow, majestic, mild, magical, magnificent, mean, memorizing, mesmerizing, motivated, mischievous, mighty, massive, marvelous, minor, moody, merry mathematicians that are not very manly, but are good at math, and practice monotheism. In other words, the name that we tried to get our Math Club to be. But that's another story.
-Person 1
Person 11 says: "I do???"